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- handball


Injuries in handball are frequent in the knees, ankles, shoulders and fingers e.g.  joint and ligament injuries, dislocation, muscle sprain, tendon injuries and  fracture. With a good warming you are more likely to avoid injury because the warm up affects the body so the tissues become more elastic and not as vulnerable to injury it also has a mental effect, which increases the concentration and then we will make fewer mistakes that will lead to injuries. Strain injuries like swellings in muscles, swellings in tendon anchorages or swellings in the sinus are common in handball. Concussion is common in younger categories of handball, concussion in handball is second of the main causes to get concussion after car accidents. When you get older it's the most common to get concussion while playing handball.

good ond bad impacts

Handball has a good influence on the bones of a girl if they start playing the sport young because it helps the bones to get stronger and healthier and therefore less likely that you will break your bones in the future. Handball is a good exercise for the whole body. The defect with handball is all the running and the strain on the joints and ankles.


Necessary equipment in handball are good handball shoes, competition shirt, a ball and harpix, but you start using harpix when you are 14 years old at least in Iceland. Then there are extra tools to improve your shots, directional changes and speeds. If you need a ball then Select is a leader in the production of quality handballs.

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